Mentriq Team talks about Anger Management 03 Jan 2019

BY: Team Mentriq

counsellor / Depression

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Anger is just like other emotions we have; a little less would make us called as “non-expressive”, or too much would be “self-destructive”, but anger is also important for self-preservation and self-defense if managed properly.

Anger can also appear because of fear or perceived threat, as you are responding with a ‘fight’ response to which this may result in immediate action response verbally or physically. Below are the things you can do that would help you reduce your anger and help control it.

Mentriq Team talks about Anger Management
Mentriq Team talks about Anger Management

7 steps to Managing Anger


Its okay, if you have spilled the coffee of your angry outburst, but even after that, you can save yourself and others from an ugly fight just by breathing slowly, taking a deep breath one time will calm your mind and clear negative thoughts and help you relax.

2) Ask yourself about the reason:

Asking self about the anger that you have just blown out will help you to do self-analysis about your anger and the need of the outburst. It also helps to self heal your mind and body.

3) Step Comfort:

WRE (Walk-Run-Exercise) the 3 way my way to help yourself reduce anger. If you can’t do all 3 do at least one regularly.

4)Engaging in a hobby:

If you like to read do a reading, knitting, gardening, playing an instrument or learning a new one. Do anything productive that would engage your mind and also helps you realize your potential.

Mentriq Team talks about Anger Management
Mentriq Team talks about Anger Management

5) Guided Imagery:

Imagine the last vacation you went to or a holiday well spent, the last time when you laughed fully feeling contended, hear what you heard that time, see what you saw, feel and amplify those feelings. These things help to calm you down and keep you relaxed.

6) Assertiveness is equal to balance:

Assertive is state of oneself being self-assured and confident be “Assertive” and not “Aggressive”. By “telling” and not “yelling” you can explain people around you your expectations, boundaries, and issues you face.

7) To Forgive and Forget:

To ensure long-term changes and healthy living it is important for you to forgive and forget, sometimes its difficult as past memories or thoughts might bring back the horror. For this one can visit a counselor for therapy certain things should be handled by experts also by doing so you choose a healthy way to get over any issue you may have.

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