30 Jul 2018

BY: Team Mentriq

counsellor / Family / Individual / MENTAL HEALTH

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With the incidence of Singer Demi Lovato being hospitalized due to a Drug overdose, there is a need to discuss Substance Abuse and some of the important things that we need to keep in mind.

What is substance use/ Abuse Disorder?

Substance use disorder is when you use any one or more drugs that are under the 10 classes of drugs that will lead to your health issues, problems at school, work or home. The drugs include alcohol, sedative and anti-anxiety drugs, cannabis, marijuana, caffeine, Hallucinogens like LSD, Inhalants like paint thinner, Opioids, stimulants, Tobacco etc. More importantly, this involves behavior patterns in which you continue to use a substance in spite of having problems that are caused by using it.

Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder
Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder

The drugs abused could be legal or illegal for use and could also have an accepted medical use. These substances will all affect the reward system of your brain and produce pleasurable feelings. The activation is strong enough for you to intensely crave the substance. You will start to neglect your daily activities to find and use the drug.

When should your alarm ring?

  • Inability to control your use of the substance
  • You cannot meet your social obligations due to substance use
  •  usage of the substance in physically dangerous situations
  • You show physical signs of dependence or use
  •  consuming the substance in larger amounts and time that was initially planned.
  • You want to cut down or stop the use of the substance and fail every time.
  • Your interpersonal relationships are strained due to the use of the substance.
  • You continue to use the substance despite knowing the ill effects
  • Need for more quantity of the same substance to feel the desired effect
  • You have unpleasant physical effects when you stop the usage of the substance

How do you help someone or yourself from Drug Abuse Disorder:

Stay away from the Drug community

Most often people who do drugs have a group that they reach for when they do such gatherings around drugs. In a culture where doing drugs has become a part of your social milieu especially if you are a teenager/youngster, it is most essential to take a step away from the friend who suggests you any form of the drug just for fun. You do not have to “Fit-in” when you don’t want to. Remember Drugs should never become your pass-time and also there are no friendly drugs. Fear them!

Get Creative

Find creative ways to manage your boredom. Join groups that match your interests,i.emeet people who are in sync with the things that make you passionate. Replace your night get together’s on Friday nights with a visit to a trekking club, music club, book writing club, or anything that can interest you. Do not do drugs just to make your day good!

Share with Closed ones

If you feel that you are already under the influence of some kind of drug, find help from your friends and family members. There is no shame in seeking help for your weaknesses unless you want to end up on the road without assistance being taken to the hospital without your consent. The ability to admit where you are wrong and what needs improvement is the sign of strength and that will help you grow under all circumstances.

Don’t lean on drugs when under stress

Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder
Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder

If you are dealing with unpleasantness in your life, there are more chances of falling into the trap of being an addict. But this is exactly the time you should refrain yourself from any kind of drug at all cost. When you do drugs during extreme emotional turbulence, your brain associates with such kinds of emotions. Whenever you face such emotions your brain will tell you to do more of the drugs to avoid the unpleasant or to increase the euphoric feelings. The irony is emotions and situations will always be dynamic and hence you will always reach out for the drugs.

Meet a therapist

Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder
Mentriq Team talks about Substance Abuse Disorder

If opening up to a close friend or family member is too much work, take an appointment with a Psychologist to reach to the core of your problems. People generally get addicted because of underlying emotional problems which remain unresolved in their unconscious.




