24 Jun 2019
BY: Team Mentriq
eating disorder / hyperactive / MENTAL HEALTH / Uncategorized
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Anorexia Athletica refers to a compulsion for exercise. It results in guilt and anxiety if the person doesn’t work out. Maladaptive attitudes, behaviors, and intrapsychic experiences around eating, weight, and body image that cause significant distress or impairment.
7 Signs of Obligatory Exercise
Tolerance: Increasing the amount of physical activity in order to feel the desired effect, be it “a buzz” or sense of accomplishment.
Withdrawal: In the absence of that Physical high the person experiences negative effects such as anxiety, irritability, restlessness, and sleep problems.
Lack of control: Unsuccessful attempts to reduce Workout level or cease exercising for a certain period of time;
Intention effects: Unable to stick to your intended routine due to excess amount of time devoted to exercise; or consistently going beyond the intended amount.
Time: If you spend a great deal of time preparing, engaging in and recovering from the workout.
Reduction in other activities: You have stopped or reduced social, occupational, and recreational activities due to workout.
Continuance: You continue to work out despite knowing that this activity is creating or exacerbating physical, psychological, and interpersonal problems.
If you or someone you know is suffering from over-exercise, please consult with an experienced Psychologist, who will help you overcome this addiction.
All images are courtesy Pixabay
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