Mentriq Team talks about Dealing with Anger 15 Jul 2019

BY: Team Mentriq

counsellor / MENTAL HEALTH

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Attempts to stop reacting and making the choice to respond to anger may also be difficult because we are surrounded by people with excessive anger.

Mentriq Team talks about About Dealing with anger
Mentriq Team talks about About Dealing with anger

Basically, there are three ways which the individuals use to deal with anger–expressing, suppressing, or calming.


Expressing anger in a correct manner is very important. Assertiveness is of great use while dealing with anger. It is a healthier way of expressing anger, which is different from aggression. To be assertive one has to have a clear idea about one’s needs,.How these needs can be met without harming or hurting others. Assertiveness involves being respectful to others and yourself. 


Suppressing is a process in which you try to temporarily block or suppress, then convert or redirect the angry feelings. When anger is felt, you stop thinking about it. you change your focus to something positive and relaxing. This helps you in suppressing and then converting the feelings of anger in positive ideas and reflecting them in more constructive behaviour. The danger in this type of response is that if it isn’t allowed outward expression, the anger can turn inward—on you itself. Anger turned inward may cause hypertension, high blood pressure, or depression.

Mentriq Team talks about About Dealing with anger
Mentriq Team talks about About Dealing with anger


Calming is one of the ways. In which you try to control your overt as well as covert behaviour. Which means you have complete control over self when the emotion of anger is felt. You try to calm down the inner responses as well by using relaxation techniques and letting go of the negative feelings and also behaves in a well-controlled way.

Now a question may arise on your mind that what about those who never express anger nor use any of the above-mentioned ways to deal with it?  The answer is expression is significantly related to the process of sensation and feelings. That is once the presence of any positive or negative stimulus is sensed by the person, the person accordingly feels positive or negative towards the stimulus. There comes the essential role of expression and behaviour. The individual may express his or her loveliness or hatred towards the stimulus. As far as the feeling of anger is concerned, unexpressed anger can lead to several irrational and psychological problems.

People who are constantly putting others down, criticising everything, and making cynical comments. They haven’t learned how to constructively express their anger. Not surprisingly, they aren’t likely to have many successful relationships.

All images are courtesy Pixabay

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